Diëtist Aileen de Vogel in Dordrecht en omstreken. Voedings-, dieet- en leefstijladvies.

Dietitian Desiree

Dietist Desiree

Diëtist Desireé Veldkamp

Just like Aileen, Desireé specializes in women’s issues and has extensive experience with this target group. She sees patients from various hospitals and fertility clinics in the region of The Hague and Leiden. Her hands-on approach and listening qualities form the basis of your treatment. Together you will draw up a practical and feasible plan to achieve your goal.

On Thursdays and Fridays she has consultation hours at Diëtistenpraktijk Aileen de Vogel.

Titel en kwaliteitsregistratie

The title dietician is a protected title that you may use after completing the 4-year HBO study Nutrition & Dietetics. The field of Nutrition & Dietetics continues to develop and in order to continue to offer quality, Desireé regularly attends training courses. In addition, the Paramedics Quality Register tests the quality of dieticians every 5 years and Desireé can call herself a quality registered dietician. She is registered with number 19103854189.

PLAN YOUR consultation with Aileen & Desireé